I am so
I finished painting the playroom
Well the last character
in the playroom
I know the pictures
are crappy
they were taken with my phone
Better pics will be taken
later on when we
get the carpet put in
and a video will
be taken when we get everything
Done done lol
And i got paint to
paint my kitchen..
i know it sounds dumb
but i feel like
my kitchen isn't my kitchen
i feel like
its still the people who lived here before
so painting will help me
feel like its my kitchen..
I got a real pretty yellow
and i got a new painting to hang
(pic was taken in the store.. better one when done with kitchen)
and i got another painting
but i don't know where
to hang it
Maybe in my living room
that is getting painted too
just not this week lol
I have gotten all new stuff
for my kitchen :)
and i'm super excited about it
i will have a post about it
when i get done :)