So i had a really good day and i refuse to let anyone ruin it..
My Friday night kind of stunk
because my stupid phone
wouldn't charge
but i finally got it!!
And i went to bed at like 11:30
Weird for me!!
But today was good
Even though Scott had to work
until like 2
but when he got home
Me, Scott, Drake
Rori, and Hunter
All went to Odessa together..
Not for anything special
Just to get out of town for a little bit
Then when we got back
Me, Scott, and Drake
Went out to see Chivo
(Hes getting FAT!!)
And my aunt Julie
met us out there
and she said he looks really good
and that he may be able to
be ridden in about a month
or so..
I hope so i cant wait!!
(and he needs to exercise lol)
Then i get home and i have
a notice that someone
(im not saying names)
wrote something on my wall
on Facebook
Well i read it and its from a family member
it says:
"you said earlier that you scott drake hunter AND RORI
Well what i really said was
that we were going as a family
because we are..
It just sucks that i cant do anything
with my little family
without people getting mad
because they weren't invited..
I have to spend time with my family too
but im not letting them ruin my Sat.
I simply wrote on my Facebook wall
"Don't worry, ill remember all the times u hurt me, upset me,
and made me cry and ill sit back and thank u for making me so strong"
so im sitting back on my couch
Relaxing while my son and husband
are asleep
because Monday is not going
to be a good day :(
Drake has to get 6 shots
at the doctor :((
But it will make him
And he will get through it
I just hate seeing him hurt!!

So i am loving the
Saturday Evening Post
magazine covers!!
They are so cute!!
What do you think??
So i think thats all for tonight
I hope yall
(those who read my blog)
Like it!!
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