He was so cute!!!

So i got an oak tree for mothers day.. most people would be like that's kind of weird but the way Scott told me why was so cute.. This is what he said... It started out "Drake got you an oak tree for mothers day" I said "aww that's cute" he said "yeah i asked him what we should get you for mothers day and hes like i don't know and i said what about a picture with finger paint and drake said no because all i can do it wave" I thought that was funny then Scott said "i told drake what about a tree for the front yard and drake said that's a good idea" well Scott wanted a certain type of tree and drake said " no mom likes oak trees because she wants a big tree" Let me remind those of you who don't know Drake is only 10 months old lol.. Well then Scott said that Drake said " yeah and mom has to take care of it like she takes care of me so it grows up big and strong like i am.. We can grow up together" I thought that was the sweetest thing.. So on mothers day we were all out in the front yard.. Drake was in his playpen and me Scott were planting my tree.. So we dug a hole and got all the grass out that we could then got a pole and tied it to the pole so it grows straight up.. It was a pretty day so we sat outside with Drake and let him play in the grass.. He didn't like it that much.. I think it might have hurt his feet but in the process of figuring that out he stood up for a good 30 sec. by himself.. I was so happy.. Oh and i told Scott for fathers day i was going to get him a psychiatrist because if him and drake are having those long conversations somethings wrong LOL.. And that was about the extent of my first mothers day..FYI: I'm going to try and start putting pics in every blog because i got my phone back and it takes really good pics.. and I'm still figuring this all out and i just found where i see my comments LOL!!! So for my 2 favorite cousins in the world I'm not ignoring you i just didn't know you had left comments LOL!!!
that's sooooo funny!!! i like your tree and can't wait to see it and drakey get big and strong :)