So i started raising money on this site for charity and i would LOVE for anyone who looks at my page to help me out by clicking on the box on the side of my page for SocialVibe.. its super easy all you have to do is answer some questions and every question you answer i get money to go to my charity!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
You can also go to
I think its easer to just go to that^^^
So heres what has been going on with me for those of you who follow me.. Drake turned ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Its crazy how time flies
How did he go from being my little baby

He can walk holding my hand now but if i let so he just stands there and waits for my hand again lol.. I think hes scared to walk by himself in case he falls.. He also now has 4 teeth!!! 2 at the bottom and 2 on top.. no his front teeth on top though.. i call him my little vampire lol.. i know thats weird but its cute lol!!!
I NEED TO WRITE MORE OFTEN!!! I have been VERY busy though!!! I got a horse!!! He doesnt take up a whole lot of time and i LOVE going out there with him.. Drake isnt to sure about him though lol...
Well it is 3:21 in the morning and i should probably go to bed!!! maybe lol
I will deff write more often!!! PROMISE!! lol